About Our Programs

FullHeart Labs delivers research-oriented programs aimed at identifying effective mental health supports for families with young children. Our range of clinical research studies seek to promote parent mental health, positive parenting practices, and family well-being. Discover more about our programs below.


Group Therapy for Moms Managing Depression


Emotion-Focused Parenting Strategies to Reduce Family Stress


Single Session Coaching for Families on NDD Waitlists


App-Based Mental Health + Parenting Program

The BRIDGE Program

Building Regulation In Dual Generations (BRIDGE)

BRIDGE is a 16-week program designed to support the mental health and parenting needs of mothers managing depression and their children. 

BRIDGE includes weekly group telehealth sessions and access to Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)-based psychoeducational videos and worksheets to build emotion-focused parenting skills, with the goal of improving family mental health and relationships. Mothers also fill out short surveys each week to track their progress.  

Currently, we are not recruiting for BRIDGE. However, we will be launching recruitment in the future for cohorts in 2024.

The SPACE Program

Supporting Parent And Child Emotional Well-Being (SPACE)

Supportive parent-child relationships are important for helping children develop the skills necessary to build relationships and navigate the world. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased household stress and children’s behavioral problems, which can increase family conflict and perpetuate challenges over time. SPACE has been designed to directly respond to family needs and empower parents in learning emotion-focused skills that will foster healthy relationships and prevent long-term child mental health problems. 

SPACE is an 8-week program that includes weekly online therapeutic groups and/or parent coaching, along with access to online content and in-home ideas for family activities. 

Currently, we are not recruiting for SPACE. However, we will be launching recruitment in the future for cohorts beginning in 2024.

The SPYKids Program

The Development and Evaluation of Single Session Consultation for Parents of Young Kids through Patient Engagement Techniques

Parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorders may experience elevated levels of parenting stress. SPYKids seeks to provide a first step in empowering parents of children waiting to access services to improve their ability to cope with stressors and build hope in next steps.  

SPYKids involves a single 90-minute session with a coach to encourage parents who have children with health, behavioural and/or developmental needs. Parents will fill out short online questionnaires at multiple timepoints. 

We consulted with parents and service providers to ensure we are highlighting parent-driven priorities that enhance quality of care and long-term child outcomes. 

SPYKids is now recruiting participants! Take the eligibility screener here

The BEAM Program

Building Emotional Awareness and Mental Health (BEAM)

The pandemic highlighted the critical need for App-based services tailored to mothers with young children. BEAM is a 10-week program designed to promote mental wellness and supportive parenting skills.   

 BEAM includes weekly group telehealth sessions, psychoeducational videos created by our clinical team, and access to an online forum to connect with others. Mothers will also fill out short surveys each week to track their progress over time. 

Several iterations of BEAM have been completed. Initial pilot rounds revealed that mothers who participated in BEAM showed greater reductions in mental health problems compared to those who did not use BEAM (more results can be found here & more to come soon!).  

Currently, we are ARE recruiting for a new BEAM trial (12-week program), please visit our website here for more information.